Dnes vyšel další trailer na druhou část Hobita. Film Hobit: Šmakova dračí poušť půjde do kin už 12. prosince 2013.
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Dear Friends,
having invited you to join our competition, this time we invite you to visit us in Hungary. We have two upcoming events where foreign guests are very welcome.
The first is our autumn meeting (CAWT: Creativity. Autumn. Workshops. Tolkien.) which takes place October, 31 through November, 3, 2013. It is a perfect opportunity to meet our community and engage in different activities together. This event is usually attended by not more than one hundred people, mostly members of our community and only a few newcomers. Traditionally this is our most international event, in the previous years we received guests from Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.
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The Hungarian Tolkien Society proudly announces launching the “Quendi” category of the Tolkien Mailing Competition. It will be in English, open to any individual participant. In the course of the Competition you will face different challenges like quizzes, riddles and creative tasks. The five rounds of the competition will last from October to March. The application deadline is 29 of September, 2013. (Je možné prodloužení do 6th October, pokud se nenaplní limit přihlášených.
Minulý pátek byl poslední den natáčení dotáček pro rozšířené verze filmů Hobita. Peter Jackson celý den zdokumentoval a fotky vložil na svůj facebookový profil. Je to rozhodně zajímavá podívaná, můžeme vidět několik záběrů přímo z natáčení, herce v akci a nechybí ani Jacksonův kocour Pan Šmudlík.
Všechny fotografie najdete zde.