KÖMT (Podzimní Kreativní Umělecký Sraz)

  Vložil/a: Entony  Do rubriky Cizí akce  22. září, 2011 | 4 937x prohlédnuto.

Hello, dear foreign friends in the Professor, from the west!

Now I’m inviting you to a traditional Hungarian Tolkienist Event. 8)
This stuff’s named KÖMT (Kreatív Őszi Művészeti Találkozó), which is Creative Autumnal Art Meeting.
We hold this event every Autumn since 2007, and we are glad to see members of foreign Tolkien Societies every year.
Even if the subject of this message is a creative art meeting, I’m not too creative at the moment in creating an English text, so I show you, what did Elrenor (an organizer) wrote to foreign friends in our forum :D

KÖMT 2011 – Zebegény
2011. 10. 29. Saturday – 11. 01. Tuesday
„Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves the dreams of trees unfold.”

The Hungarian Tolkien Society holds its Creative Autumnal Art Meeting this year again, to which all people of Beleriand are invited. If you want to participate the unforgettable feast of Mereth Aderthad, you are more than gladly welcome.
The host of the event is Fingolfin, king of Noldor. Besides maintaining our relationships we’d like everyone to share their crafts; for this we are still looking for volunteers.
If you would like to learn, this is your place! All applicants striving to create something unique are also welcome.
More details soon!

As I know,

The event will take place in a school building, like TolkienCon, in Zebegény, which is a friendly village next to the Danube.
There will be creative workshops, which can be held by anyone. (So if you want to share your knowledge about the meta-communication of dwarves, or making a bagpipe out of plastic bags or whatever, you can apply at breki13@gmail.com 8) )

There will be a frame story, so this will be a bit like a LARP. Elrenor said, you could also get NPC roles, if you want!

There will be lovers of the world of Tolkien from Hungary, and the neighboring countries.

It will be fun!

(And there will be translation for those who don’t speak Hungarian)

Here are links to pictures of previous KÖMTs,

One year ago we were hobbits, wanting old Sam to be the leader guy again, um ..convincing him with demonstrating that we didn’t forget the Red Book of Westmarch: http://www.friweb.hu/b2bwide/keptar/thumbnails.php?album=119

Two years ago we were orcs, trolls, terrible pirates and haradrim (this was the best Hungarian Tolkien Society event i ever participated.): http://www.friweb.hu/b2bwide/keptar/thumbnails.php?album=84 (at the end of this photo album there are pictures of the tour for the foreign participants. Unfortunately there are no pics of the performances of the closing night)

Three years ago I don’t know what was the subject of the event, because I wasn’t there, but it was the second KÖMT: http://www.friweb.hu/b2bwide/keptar/thumbnails.php?album=50

And here is the English-part of our forum:

So, grab your instruments, brushes, thoughts, weapons, and come a little eastwards 8)

Are you interested?


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