Další ročník TMC

  Vložil/a: Entony  Do rubriky Cizí akce  1. listopadu, 2021 | 1 549x prohlédnuto.

We would like to invite you all to join our usual programme, the international Quendi category of the Tolkien Mailing Competition.

The Tolkien Mailing Competition consists of different challenges like quizzes, riddles, and creative tasks, sent via e-mail to every participant. The international Quendi category is in English and open to any individual participant (but recommended to those over 15) from all over the world.
The application deadline is 24 October, 2021.

Please find all the information about the Competition and also the application form on our website: https://tolkien.hu/mtt/item/3306-international-tolkien-mailing-competition-2021

You can also join the Facebook event of the competition: https://www.facebook.com/events/2979911745558146

With many thanks and our best wishes,
Flóra Orthmayr (Metaflora)
on behalf of the organisers of the Tolkien Mailing Competition
Hungarian Tolkien Society

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