Oxonmoot Online 18-20.9

  Vložil/a: Entony  Do rubriky Cizí akce  6. srpna, 2020 | 1 305x prohlédnuto.

Pozvánka na další online con, tentokrát v angličtině, conaný
18-20 září 2020


Greetings from Oxonmoot Online!!!

As you will probably have seen, following our decision to cancel Oxonmoot as a face-to-face event in the light of Coronavirus restrictions, The Tolkien Society has recently opened registration for a virtual event, Oxonmoot Online in September.

While we will try to recreate as much as we can of the flavour of a traditional Oxonmoot, it is clear that Oxonmoot Online will be a very different experience – but the exciting thing is that it gives the opportunity for involvement of the global Tolkien community, and options for a range of activities which we couldn’t normally provide.

The purpose of this email is twofold. Firstly, it would be great if you could draw Oxonmoot Online to the attention of your members.

But secondly, we would like to ask you if your organisation would like to contribute in some way to the programme for the event. We are open to all suggestions, though we may not be able to accommodate everything. Some ideas could include…

  • A group discussion on a topic of your choice
  • A social space for members to „hang out“, possibly in a particular language, at a time suitable to your time-zone, or „themed“ in some way relevant to your organisation
  • A craft activity for people to join in, or a demonstration or „master-class“
  • A video about your organisation & activities
  • Or anything else you can imagine which might work as part of a virtual event – surprise us and excite us!

If you need help thinking about how to „realise“ your idea, please get in touch and we will support you in any way we can.

In addition, we are also looking for „Zoom Stewards“ who can help us manage the event – these need to be people who are comfortable in operating Zoom, and we will provide training in our expectations. We are particularly keen on finding any who are based outside the UK time zone. Any volunteers would be most welcome.

Please email any ideas for programme contributions, and any volunteers to be Zoom Stewards, to chair@oxonmoot.org and we will get back in touch with you to discuss.


We hope you will be able to contribute to a magnificent event in September.

Elena & Mike

Elena Davison
Mike Percival
Co-Chairs – Oxonmoot Online

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