Hungarian XI. Tolkien Mailing Competition

  Vložil/a: Entony  Do rubriky Cizí akce  26. září, 2016 | 3 197x prohlédnuto.

mttlogo_wDear Friends from Společnost Přátel Díla Pana JRRTolkiena,

I am writing to you on behalf of the organisers of the Tolkien Mailing Competition.

This competition consists of different challenges like quizzes, riddles and creative tasks, sent via e-mail to every participant. Our experiences with the international category, called ”Quendi” of the last three years were definitely encouraging, so we announce the international competition again this year. It will be in English and open to any individual participant (but recommended those above 15 years) from all around the world.

We kindly ask you to spread the news of the international category of our Competition among your Society’s members or in the wider circle of Tolkienites in your country. You’ll find all the details about the Competition on our website,

Thank you!

If you have any questions, they are welcome at

Looking forward to the registration of participants from Your Society,

Best wishes,
Dániel Kálmán / Ben
Hungarian Tolkien Society

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