Creative Autumn Meeting 2015

  Vložil/a: Entony  Do rubriky Cizí akce  23. září, 2015 | 2 899x prohlédnuto.

Ti Maďaři jsou ale aktivní :-) Kde jsou ty časy kdy jsme u nás v Česku byli na tom obdobně O:-)ještě jim nekončí soutež literární a už nás zvou na podzimní kreativní tábor nedaleko Budapešti. Tak pokud by jste někdo měl chuť na výlet? :-)
Dear Tolkien-friends,

we are happy to invite you to our traditional Creative Autumn Meeting.

„Autumn. Yellow leaves. Fresh, cool mornings. Riverside. Art. Zebegény, Hungary!“

Tolkienite friends from all over the world are welcome to join us for a long weekend of various creative workshops from 22nd to 25th of October, 2015.

Creative Autumn Meeting („CAM“, in Hungarian: „KÖMT“) is going to be held in Zebegény, a beautiful village 60 kilometers north of Budapest, near the river Danube. The participation fee is only 10-20 EUR (depending the length of stay and type of ticket).

Please share our Facebook event page and official event webpage with your members and network contacts. Thank you.
The pages are regularly updated. Registration is opening soon.

Official webpage:

If you have any questions, send an e-mail to main organiser Kincső Kiss: kincso89 [] gmail [] com

Best wishes,
the organisers of the Creative Autumn Meeting

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