The third Tolkien Competition Start

  Vložil/a: Entony  Do rubriky Cizí akce  17. září, 2015 | 3 322x prohlédnuto.

Naši přátelé z Maďarska nás poprosili o publikování další pozvánky na jejich již třetí mezinárodní tolkienistickou soutěž. Čímžto jim vyhovujeme :-) :

The third international Tolkien Mailing Competition is about to start!

Tolkien Mailing Competition consists of different challenges like quizzes, riddles and creative tasks, sent via e-mail to every participant. Our experiences with the international category, called ”Quendi” of the last two years were definitely encouraging, so we announce the international competition again this year. It will be in English and open to any individual participant (but recommended those above 15 years) from all around the world.

We kindly ask you to spread the news of the international category of our Competition among your Society’s members or in the wider circle of Tolkienites in your country. You’ll find all the details about the Competition on our website,

We can also send the information to you in pdf/word format, we just wanted to minimize the chance of our letter ending up in your Spam folder by not attaching any files.

If you have any questions, they are welcome at

Looking forward to the registration of participants from Your Society,

Best wishes,
Flóra Orthmayr (Metaflora)
Hungarian Tolkien Society

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