Hungarian Tolkien Conference

  Vložil/a: Entony  Do rubriky Cizí akce  29. července, 2015 | 3 317x prohlédnuto.

Dear Friends,

I have already informed you on our 5th Tolkien Conference taking place in Budapest on 3-4 September.

The conference program has been finalized and registration is also open.

You’ll find all the details about the conference on our website,

Four of the six sessions of the conference will be in English.

The Hungarian Tolkien Society is looking forward to welcoming members of the numerous other Tolkien societies among the audience of the conference. We kindly ask you to pass on our invitation in your community.

We can also offer a financial support of 30 euros to partially cover the travel expenses of participants who are in connection with a (local or international) Tolkien society. They do not have to be registered members, it is enough if you or any official of the society send us an e-mail stating that they belong to your community. (The number of persons we can support is, unfortunately, limited. More details on the website.)

Best regards,

Flóra Orthmayr
Hungarian Tolkien Society

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