Tolkien Studies v Maďarsku.

  Vložil/a: Entony  Do rubriky Cizí akce  23. listopadu, 2014 | 4 154x prohlédnuto.

Naši přátelé z Maďarska nás opět požádali o publikování pozvánky na jejich mezinárodní tentokrát vážněji pojatou Tolkienovskou konferenci.
Informace můžete nalézt v angličtině na přiloženém PDF:

A níže již samotný text pozvánky:
Dear Friends,

I have an invitation for you, again, concerning a more serious level of Tolkien Studies.

The Hungarian Tolkien Society, together with the Institute of English and American Studies at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, holds its 5th International Academic Conference on the works of J. R. R. Tolkien on 3-4 September, 2015 in Budapest, Hungary.

The organising committee is expecting applications by interested scholars from Hungary and abroad until February 22, 2015.

We kindly ask you to spread the news of our international conference among your Society’s members and also in the wider circle of researchers in this field in your country.

You’ll find all the details about the conference in the attached pdf file and also on our website,

Best regards,
on behalf of the organisers,

Flóra Orthmayr
Secretary of International Relations
Hungarian Tolkien Society

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