Pozvánka do Maďarska

  Vložil/a: Entony  Do rubriky Cizí akce  13. září, 2013 | 3 118x prohlédnuto.

Dear Friends,

having invited you to join our competition, this time we invite you to visit us in Hungary. We have two upcoming events where foreign guests are very welcome.

The first is our autumn meeting (CAWT: Creativity. Autumn. Workshops. Tolkien.) which takes place October, 31 through November, 3, 2013. It is a perfect opportunity to meet our community and engage in different activities together. This event is usually attended by not more than one hundred people, mostly members of our community and only a few newcomers. Traditionally this is our most international event, in the previous years we received guests from Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.

The second event is the celebration of Tolkien’s birthday that we hold on 4th January 2014. It is our greatest yearly event, we expect 2-3 thousand visitors to the lectures, art workshops, board games, exhibitions, etc. So it is more grandiose and gives you less chance to get to know people, but ideal if you enjoy mingling in a crowd in Tolkien-inspired costumes and taking part in interesting programs.

You are most welcome to join us on both events or choose the one which suits you more in its date or style. More information is available in the attached invitations, please share them with members of your society. In the attachments you will also find the e-mail addresses to write to for further information.

Looking forward to meeting you in Hungary,
with our best regards,

Kincső & Metaflora

Další informace můžete najít na stránce maďarských tolkienistů: http://www.tolkien.hu

A zde dokumenty k pozvánce v PDF:
1) invitation_tolkienbirtday2014
2) invitation_CAWT2013

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